Agia Moni Monastery
Get ready to take a trip back in time, folks – we’re talking about the very origins of monasticism in Cyprus. Yup, we’re talking about the OG monastery – Agia Moni Monastery, to be exact.
According to tradition, this bad boy was founded in 300 AD by Agios Nikolaos and Agios Eftychios. And what was their mission, you ask? Oh, to create a place of prayer and contemplation. NBD.
But wait, it gets even better – the monastery also used to house some pretty epic relics, like a sacred item given to Agios Nikolaos and even a piece of the Virgin Mary’s cloak. Talk about holy swag!
While those relics aren’t there anymore (bummer), the Agia Moni Monastery is still standing strong and welcoming visitors today.
So come down and get your prayer on – who knows, maybe you’ll feel extra enlightened after your visit.
The grounds are covered in the most beautiful flowers you’ve ever seen – like a botanical garden on steroids.
And the best part? A huge car park with plenty of shade trees for all.
Yeah, it may seem a little amusing to see everyone parked under trees like we’re in some forest, but hey – we’ll take what we can get! And admission is free (woohoo!).
Sure, they do close for lunch, but the timing seems to be a bit variable depending on visitor traffic.
They closed the doors at 1 pm, so plan accordingly. Oh, and don’t bother bringing your wallet – no shops or stalls are here.
Just peace, quiet, and a whole lot of pretty flowers.