Suppose you’re planning an upcoming vacation to Mediterranean Europe. In that case, it can be extremely confusing to figure out which country owns a particular region when looking at a map of the area.
For those wishing to explore lovely places in this part of the world, Paphos is somewhere they should consider visiting – but is it in so-called Greek Cyprus or Turkey’s part of the island?
Read on for more insight into this fascinating corner of the globe and whether Paphos lies inside either faction’s borders.

Is Paphos on the Turkish side?
No, Paphos is not on the Turkish side. Paphos is a city located on the southwestern coast of the island of Cyprus, which is an independent country.
Cyprus is geographically located in the eastern Mediterranean. It is divided into two main parts: the Republic of Cyprus, which Greek Cypriots predominantly inhabit, and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, recognized only by Turkey.
The city of Paphos is located within the territory of the Republic of Cyprus, which is internationally recognized as the legitimate government of the entire island.
So the answer to the question ‘Is Paphos on the Greek or Turkish side?’ is Greek: Paphos is located within the recognized, internationally-acknowledged borders of the Republic of Cyprus and not on the Turkish side of Cyprus.
Which part of Cyprus is Paphos?
Paphos is located in the southwestern part of Cyprus. It is a city on the island’s Greek-speaking side, which the Republic of Cyprus controls.
Paphos is a popular tourist destination for its historical sites, beautiful coastline, and rich cultural heritage.
It has significant archaeological and historical importance, including the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Paphos Archaeological Park, which contains ancient ruins and mosaics dating back to the Roman period.
Do they speak Greek in Paphos?
Yes, Greek is the primary language spoken in Paphos. As Paphos is located on the Greek-speaking side of Cyprus, the majority of the population in the city speaks Greek.
Greek is the official language of Cyprus, along with Turkish, and it is widely spoken and understood throughout the island.
English is also commonly spoken in tourist areas and by many locals, particularly those in the tourism industry.
Is Cyprus both Greek and Turkish?
Yes, Cyprus has both Greek and Turkish communities. The island of Cyprus is politically divided into the Republic of Cyprus and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
The Republic of Cyprus is internationally recognized as the legitimate government representing the whole island and is predominantly inhabited by Greek Cypriots who speak Greek.
Greek Cypriots form the majority of the population in the Republic of Cyprus.
On the other hand, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is recognized only by Turkey.
It is predominantly inhabited by Turkish Cypriots who speak Turkish. Turkish Cypriots comprise most of the population in the island’s northern part.
The division of Cyprus occurred in 1974 when Turkey occupied the northern part of the island in response to a coup by Greek Cypriot nationalists seeking to unite Cyprus with Greece.
The division created a physical separation between the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities, resulting in a complex and unresolved political situation that continues to this day.
What is Paphos Cyprus in Greek?
Paphos Cyprus is written as “Πάφος Κύπρος” in Greek.
In conclusion
Paphos is a city located on the Greek-speaking side of Cyprus in the Republic of Cyprus.
It is not part of Turkish Cyprus and does not lie within its borders.
Greek is the primary language spoken there, while many locals can commonly hear English due to the city’s booming tourism industry.
If you’re looking for an exciting holiday destination with a rich cultural heritage and beautiful historical sites, Paphos is a great place to visit!
So next time you plan your vacation in Europe’s Mediterranean region, consider making Paphos part of your itinerary.
Pack your bags and get ready for an unforgettable adventure!